Ultrasound technology has advanced tremendously during the past 20 years. The original standard was a 2D sonogram but today there are 3D and 4D. The "D" stands for dimension. Read through this guide if you are not familiar with the different sonograms.
Differences Among the Sonograms
A two-dimensional image is flat and similar to a photograph but a sonogram is made from sound waves rather than light. It indicates whether the fetus is developing normally as it scans the bones and internal organs.
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Chemotherapy is arguably one of the most effective treatments for cancer, but it can bring some pretty unpleasant side effects, such as nausea, fatigue, hair loss and taste changes. The good news is that making some lifestyle changes can make things a little easier. Here are four helpful tips for dealing with chemotherapy side effects:
Change Your Eating Habits
Nausea is one of the most common side effects of chemotherapy and is more common among women and people younger than 50, according to the Mayo Clinic.
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If you're in your final trimester of pregnancy, it's likely you're suffering from some discomfort. Aches and pains are normal as you near your due date, but there are some things you can do to help make yourself more comfortable. Lower back, pelvic, and hip pain can affect your mobility and sleep patterns, so taking some steps to mitigate them will pay off in your health and energy levels.
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The traditional image of medicine ball exercises is one of tough boxers working out in a rugged gym environment. While commonplace, medicine ball training is not exclusive to boxing gyms. The versatility of medicine balls makes them perfect for use in an injury rehabilitation program. Medicine balls add helpful resistance to the exercises and keep sessions from being boring. Anyone going through a rehab program should ask trainers about including medicine ball workouts.
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If you are struggling with anxiety or depression and are ready to get help, the first step you should take is going to your primary care physician. Making this appointment is the brave and right thing to do for yourself, and it will help you understand more about your condition and the ways you can treat it. Here are three things you should know about this.
Your Doctor Will Perform A Mental Health Screening
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