3 Things Your Doctor Can Do If You Are Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety

If you are struggling with anxiety or depression and are ready to get help, the first step you should take is going to your primary care physician. Making this appointment is the brave and right thing to do for yourself, and it will help you understand more about your condition and the ways you can treat it. Here are three things you should know about this.

Your Doctor Will Perform A Mental Health Screening

To determine if you are truly suffering from depression or anxiety, which are both mental health conditions, the doctor will perform a mental health screening. This screening is just a test that will involve the doctor asking you a series of questions about how you have felt over the last few weeks.

When the test is complete, the doctor will add up the answers, which will determine if you have a problem or not. If you rarely feel sad, nervous, or depressed, and if your feelings are not affecting your life in any way, you probably do not really have a mental health condition. On the other hand, you may have a mental health condition if you feel horrible most of the time and are having problems completing normal tasks in life.

Your Doctor Can Give You Medication

If the screening determines that you do have a problem, the doctor can prescribe you medication. There are many types of medications used to treat depression and anxiety, but each type works differently for each person that takes it. Because of this, your doctor may ask you to return to see him or her after taking medication for one month.

When you return for your next appointment, the doctor will find out if the medication seems to be working, and if it is agreeing with you. If there are any problems with it, tell your doctor so he or she can switch you to a different medication.

Your Doctor May Also Recommend Counseling

In addition to giving you medication, the doctor may ask you questions about your life. If you are struggling through hard situation right now, counseling might be a big help in addition to your medication. While you are not required to follow this suggestion, combining these two treatment options can be beneficial to your health and well-being.

Living with depression can take the satisfaction, happiness, and contentment out of life. If you are ready to do something about this problem you are having, you can begin by making an appointment with your primary care physician to complete a mental health screening.
