Do You Need Inpatient Eating Disorder Treatment?

For many people, inpatient eating disorder treatment is the right option for medical and psychiatric health. While many people do not ever need inpatient treatment, others rely on it to get through their eating disorder. These treatment centers provide a lot of support for those who need them.

Are you unsure if inpatient eating disorder treatment is the right option? These are a few indicators you should consider inpatient treatment for an eating disorder.

Your Body Weight Is Incredibly Low

Low body weight is a dangerous indicator for health, and this can become worse the longer you maintain a drastically low weight. If you have low body weight with symptoms like dizziness, fainting, loss of menstrual periods, and osteoporosis, you may need to check into inpatient treatment to avoid life-impacting symptoms.

Your Heart Is Having Issues

Issues like bradycardia, a shrinking of the heart, occur often in those with low body weight. Eating disorders can prompt heart issues. Your heart rate can slow significantly, causing some real problems. Unfortunately, this condition can be life-threatening and lead to cardiac arrest.

You've Already Tried Outpatient Treatment

Perhaps you have already tried an outpatient treatment and found that it did not work for you. You may need additional support to get through this difficult time, and you are well within your rights to do so. Outpatient treatment is a great source of help, but it does not always work. Your chances of recovery may be better with intensive inpatient treatment.

You Are Struggling With Mental Stability

Many people who need treatment for issues like anorexia and bulimia may struggle with other conditions, like depression and anxiety. For the sake of your own safety, you may decide that inpatient treatment is the best option for you. Treatment that allows for an inpatient stay is more intensive and gives you more access to psychiatric help and therapy.

You Feel Uncertain & Scared

Remember: you always have the option to consider inpatient eating disorder treatment. If you simply don't like the idea of trying outpatient treatment or you feel afraid, this treatment option can help you recover.

Talk to a Professional Today

It is normal to be uncertain about the best treatment option for you. A professional can help you address your fears and work toward a better future in recovery. Eating disorder treatment is difficult, but you do not have to feel lost with medical and psychiatric resources available to you.

For more information about options for eating disorder treatment, contact a local health care clinic.
